This week, Elaine kicks off the show talking about her first Zoom Baby Shower! We’re very excited for the new addition to our family to arrive. It’s encouraging to know that even in quarantine, life goes on and wonderful things are happening.

Photo: Michael Ewing
And now back to TV….
Just like everybody else, we surf Netflix and other apps to see what’s trending. We noticed the doc series Fear City: New York vs The Mafia was trending at #2 so we gave it a shot. Listen to this episode to hear what we thought before (or after) you watch.
In talking about Fear City, we remembered one of our favorite docs ever and definitely one to watch, The Seven Five. We watched it a few years ago on Netflix but it’s currently available on Amazon Prime
We’ll take a dirty cop doc any day
The 75th Police Precinct in Brooklyn, NY was the deadliest precinct in the country. From 1982-1992 Officer Mike Dowd led a group of corrupt policemen on their own criminal spree.

Photo: Movie Clips
Dowd & his partner Ken Eurell eventually began working with drug kingpin Adam Diaz. Diaz is one of the most entertaining drug characters we’ve ever come across! A real life Scarface. by the age of 19 Diaz was selling 300 kilos of cocaine weekly.Our favorite Adam line: when asked about a competitor who had disappeared: “He thought he was a gangster… he wasn’t”.

Photo: Variety

Photo: Netflix
Dowd & Diaz spent time in prison ( 12 and 8 years respectively) while Ken Eurell did 2 months. (no spolier?)

Photo: Shuttersstock
Where are they now?
Since their release from prison, pals in crime, Dowd & Diaz have partnered in a line of cigars called The Seven Five.

Photo: NY Post
Dowd has a website where he proudly displays pictures from podcast appearances with the likes of Joe Rogen , the ever obnoxious Nick Di Paulo, sporting Dowd 75 teeshirts, needless to say, sold on his website.


And our favorite trio, Mike, Ann Coulter and Artie Lange.

Mike’s big on Twitter too
He teases his Seven Five tanks and tees using his daughter in law’s cleavage.
And, almost needless to say, he is a big Trump supporter with a special thing for Tomi Lahren, Candace Owens and Don Jr but hasn’t figured out that Trump doesn’t use the @POTUS account. Oh, and he still hasn’t gotten over Hillary.
Diaz is seeking financing for a film about himself, The King Of Brooklyn. Based on this trailer, we wish him good luck with that! 😨
But, his backstory, not explored in The Seven Five is one we’d love to see on film! In the mean time he insists his movie is “coming fckn soon….its in the makings ,youll see the 1st clip here on this channel, go buy our cigars at peace.”
Eurell wrote a book, sells swag and is currently putting together a podcast. which he is asking Twitter followers to help him name. Somehow, The Land of Fuck hasn’t made his list.

Maybe because that’s reserved for the site where he sells his COVID 19 masks!
Yet, another project about Charles Manson? Really?
There has been over 25 films about Charles Manson & the family. Twenty-five! So does Helter Skelter: An American Myth a new documentary on Epix have anything new to offer? Absolutely! There’s rarely seen footage, interviews with former Mason followers and many who were in the scene and knew “the family.”

Photo: EPIX
We’ve only seen 2 episodes, but I have a feeling we’ll be talking a lot more about this one.
*Note- we switched out episodes to bring you the Perry Mason finale episode last week. So this is actually ep 19. Sorry for any confusion.
Looking for personalized gifts while ya can’t leave the house? Consider Mike’s Mugs.

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