Raymond Burr
There was a lot more to this great actor than Perry Mason. Learn everything you never knew about Raymond Burr in our first Shorty!!
Raymond Burr
Young, handsome Raymond Burr.

There was a lot more to this great actor than Perry Mason. Learn everything you never knew about Raymond Burr in our first Shorty!!

Screen tests where Perry is Hamilton and Paul is Perry!

Here are the screen tests we talked about on the show. After being told he was 60 lbs too heavy for TV, Raymond Burr went on a crash diet, lost 60 lbs and scored the role of a lifetime. His weight fluctuated throughout his career, but he never wanted for work.

The Blues Brothers version of the theme from Perry Mason.

The Perry Mason show had one of the most kick ass themes in TV history.

Here are the teaser and official trailer for the new Perry Mason series premiering on June 21st on HBO starring Matthew Rhys.

More Burr!

Want more Raymond Burr? Here are a few videos to start you off!