While our podcast was never meant to be a political show, we would be remiss if we didn’t address what we are watching every single day: The Presidential Press Briefings on the Coronavirus. After the biggest shit-show to date on Monday, our Feckless Leader tweeted this (below) shortly before 8AM EDT this morning. Since Mr. Trump is keen to compare himself to Captain Bligh, we decided to give you several options to enjoy a great story while seeing how Trump sees himself as a character on film.

Which is Trump’s favorite version?

Is it the 1930’s version with Charles Laughton as “Captain Donald J Trump.” Clark Gable as “Gavin Cuomo?”

Or maybe the Trevor Howard, Marlon Brando version that so aptly captures the president’s sense of humor!

Or maybe the Anthony Hopkins portrayal that captures the president’s “stable genius” and demeanor to a T.

But if you ask us…

The movie that will mark the end of the Trump reign of terror will not be Mutiny on the Bounty at all. We predict that Trump’s demise will more closely resemble the sad, pathetic conclusion of classic film version of The Caine Mutiny.

Fun Trivia:

  • Vince Gilligan used a clip of the film in a Breaking Bad  episode (“Madrigal“, 2012), and has stated that The Caine Mutiny was one of his favorite movies as a child
  • Chicanery,” the fifth episode of the third season of Gilligan’s spin off series Better Call Saul was based on The Caine Mutiny with Michael Mckean’s “Chuck” as the Queeg in the episode.
Scott meet Caine
  • When actor Michael Caine , born Maurice Micklewhite, first used the stage name, “Michael Scott”. He was later told by his agent that another actor was already using the same name, and that he had to come up with a new one immediately. Being a fan of Bogart, he noted that The Caine Mutiny was being shown at the Odeon Cinema, and Michael Caine was born.
  • In the Star Trek episode “The Doomsday Machine“, the obsessive Commodore Matt Decker, portrayed by William Windom, fusses constantly with two futuristic tape cartridges. Windom publicly acknowledged that Decker’s behavior was based on Queeg’s

    Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, members of the human resistance serve aboard the submarine USS Jimmy Carter. It is piloted by a reprogrammed Terminator that has been named “Queeg” by the crew.
  • Note- The Caine Mutiny offers an excellent opportunity to see Fred MacMurray as a cad. For another example listen to our episode, Mix It Up, where we talked about our favorite rom-com, The Apartment.


This Sunday HBO will air the series finale of The Plot Against America.

Shout out to the women of the press corp!

The women who cover the daily White House Briefings are the best.

Stay In. Stay Safe. Listen to your governors.

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