This week we’re talking about a show you may have missed on HBO Max, Years and Years and the role that won Andra Day the Golden Globe in The United States vs Billie Holiday
But first…
After Elaine’s rant last week about EDD, she gives an exciting update and advice for anyone with EDD woes. And, we talk about our winners of the Golden Globes polls in our Travis and Elaine Facebook Group. Join us!
Years and Years (HBO Max)
Years and Years is a six-part by the BBC/HBOlimited series created by Russell T. Davies, who’s written both science-fiction like Doctor Who and Torchwood drama like Queer as Folk (UK). Somehow we never watched this excellent show!!
The series follows the British Manchester-based Lyons family over 15 years. It looks very familiar to thos who love smart family dramas, but gives a unique view of how global, political, and technological advances impact us all, whether we are paying attention or not.
Years and Years stars one of our favorite actors, Rory Kinnear, and the great Emma Thompson and has a solid supporting cast, including T’Nia Miller, Lydia West, Anne Reid and Maxim Baldry.
The United States vs Billie Holiday HULU
Andra Day knocks it out of the park in this, her FIRST acting role! Currently, on HULU, the biopic boasts a strong supporting cast including Trevante Rhodes, and Natasha Lyonne. But what about the true story of the iconic Billie Holiday? We get into it all and what we really think of Lee Daniels take on the singer and the story.

And finally…
Happy 1st birthday, Margot!