The Undoing Fargo

This week we’re talking about the HBO series, The Undoing, starring Nicole Kidman, Hugh Grant, and Donald Sutherland. Then we take a look at FX’s Fargo S:4, where all shit breaks loose in episode 8.

But first…

Our long national nightmare is over!!!

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Congratulations President-Elect Biden and VP- Elect Harris.

The Undoing

Airing on HBO, one episode per week, which drives Elaine nuts, The Undoing is an old fashioned Who Done It. There is a robust debate in our Facebook Group about who the murderer is. Travis reveals his guess in this episode. Elaine, as usual, thinks everybody is guilty!

The Suspects

Photo: HBO

Yeah, it could be one of the two above, but here are a few more possibilities.


Fargo is turning out, unsurprisingly, to be the best thing currently airing on cable right now. Episode 8 is as good as any movie and draws on one of the most classic scenes ever—special shout outs this week for Timothy Olyphant and Jack Huston. Overall, Jason Schwartzman and Chris Rock are looking to be going head to head for an Emmy probably. And, our boy Salvatore Esposito is killing in his breakout American role. We hope more people will go back and watch Gomorrah after they finish Fargo.
Here are some of our favorite moments from Ep8.

(Click to enlarge)

Then Elaine went down the rabbit hole

Tell us if you followed where Elaine was going with the Fargo S2/S4 connection. Because FX sure gets it.

Remember Mike Milligan???

Want more? Check out other other Fargo episode.

Make sure your ready to stream The Stand by taking a free trial

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