This week we watched an excellent doc about President Obama’s official photographer and an all-star scripted movie about the Chicago 7. But first…

We voted!! (and Elaine braved the Doctor’s Office!)

We cast the most important vote of our lifetimes this Wednesday. We filled in our mail-in ballots, top to bottom. Then we dropped them off at City Hall. We voted about 3 weeks before election day. We subscribed to updates on where our ballots are in the process. We are doing our best to help rid our country of the Trump scourge! Hope you are too.

The Way I See It

Pete Souza was Chief Official White House Photographer under Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama.

Pete Souza

He is responsible for these and many more iconic images.

The documentary features pictures, videos, and stories from the inside from Pete himself. It chronicles his journey from private a-political White House Photographer to social media activist.

The Trial of the Chicago 7

The story of the infamous trial in the 1960s, written and directed by Aaron Sorkin, the movie, now playing on Netflix boast a stellar cast.
Eddie Redmayne, Sacha Baron Cohen, Jeremy Strong, John Carroll Lynch, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Alex Sharp, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Frank Langella, Ben Shenkman, Danny Flaherty, John Doman and Michael Keaton.

Photo: Netflix

As promised, here is the cookbook from Bobby Seale.

You can still get it. But it ain’t cheap.

But what about Steal This Book? An original is going for over 800 bucks. I do not think Hoffman would approve!

You can get a reprint though. And with the few bookstores left probably closed thanks to Trump’s pandemic…

You can get most of Abbie’s writing in a compilation for less than $20. Gven the circumstances, you may get partial approval!

Our own Johnny Stromboli dropped a new video this week. Working with his super talented wife, film-maker Melissa Parson, it’s a feast of the eyes and well as the ear!!
“We’re On Our Own: A Virus Song” – MUSIC VIDEO- (NSFW)

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